Submitted by Katie Costello, owner, The Canine Campus Training and Wellness Center.

Is your business back to normal?

The Canine Campus is starting to rebuild and things are moving in the right direction to return to normal. Every month the numbers are going up. People are starting to come out more and more. I think the entire nation is starting to emerge from this.

And the stuff that we have learned through this about how to survive and change and adapt will carry over into our new normal in my opinion. I think that while it was a trying time, it will make the ones that were able to survive even better.

What is your “new normal?”

Our new normal will be holding on to some of the parts that we created through COVID. We will continue doing our virtual classes, which allow us to reach outside of our community, even. This is huge! It is like a second side of the business we wouldn’t have even ventured into from the inability to think outside of our box!

How do you Rally Around Small Business?

We are always very pro-small business and try to support them in every way we can. Supporting their events, donating items for fundraisers, supporting them personally by using their businesses and mentioning different places and giving them a shout out in our social media.