GIRARD, Ohio – Windsor House Inc. has faced many challenges since it started in 1959. But the Girard-based nursing home and assisted living company has seen nothing like COVID-19, says Dan Rowland, director of marketing.

To ensure the safety of its residents and 1,500 employees, Windsor House invested in upgrades to its buildings. It installed state-of-the-art iWave and Novaerus air purifying systems to reduce pathogens, allergens, particles and odors in the air, Rowland says.

Windsor House also partnered with the Roobrik Engagement Platform, which provides an online assessment to help older adults and their families make informed decisions about the future. After answering a series of questions, the user is presented with resources, options and recommendations. The assessment can be found at 

While the past year has been “a rollercoaster of emotions,” Rowland says, Windsor House is thankful for its staff, its residents and their families, as well as the community and businesses who have supported the company over the last year.

“Our employees, the frontline heroes, are our greatest source of pride,” Rowland says. “Despite concerns for their own families and loved ones, they tirelessly take on the frontlines to protect the health and well-being of our residents. We are truly grateful for our employees’ commitment, dedication and perseverance. They are heroes!”

Windsor owns and operates 12 skilled nursing and five assisted living communities in northeastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania.