NILES – A to Z Dependable Services launched a home safety division in 2020, part of the company’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. 

Using an indoor air analyzer, A to Z technicians determine the presence of allergens, viruses, bacteria and mold particles. Air sanitization is used to mitigate airborne particles and pathogens.

A to Z’s home safety division includes bathroom renovations.“We install slip-free walk-in showers with a low threshold, grab bars and related accessories,” says owner Brian Pritchard.

Safety was also a key focus internally, as A to Z implemented sanitizing processes in its offices and trucks and provided technicians with protective masks, boot covers and latex gloves. IPads, used to provide information on jobs, have customers authorize service and email estimates, are also sanitized.

A to Z has 50 employees and plans to hire eight this year, Pritchard says.