CANFIELD — Anticipating last-minute tax law changes and Paycheck Protection Program legislation, Yurchyk & Davis CPAs Inc. positioned itself to meet clients where they are.

The company made investments years ago in technology that allowed employees to work from home seamlessly. During shutdowns brought on by the pandemic, that technology helped employees who had children out of school, and those who felt safer working from home.

“It’s important for us to make our staff feel comfortable in their work environment, wherever that may be,” says Sharon Carbon, shareholder. “The more comfortable employees are, the more productive they are.”

This year, more investments will be made in equipment and software.

“It’s not just about making money, but how we can help our clients,” says Angie Mackall, supervisor. “During the shutdown last year, the partners bought lunch two or three times a week, buying from a different client each day. We wanted to support our small businesses.”

To help with the growing audit business, Yurchyk & Davis recently hired a staff member and looks to bring on additional staff in the spring, Carbon notes. The firm employs 16.